Nurture: What does the Nurture team do?
The Nurture Ministries Team leads FUMC’s ministries of faith formation and membership care. We lead in facilitating opportunities to grow in God by caring for and supporting one another through Worship, Bible study, small groups, prayer, and visitation.
Visitation/Membership Care/Delivering meals and flowers to members.
Being a presence during trying times (meals, chores, company, errands, driving to appts. etc.)
Receptions/Bereavement Meals
Card Ministry
WOW Group
S.S./Educational Experiences/New Membership Class
Children’s Ministry
Youth Ministry/Confirmation Class
Bible Studies and Small Groups/Seasonal Studies and devotions
Summer Programs/Camp Promise for Kids
Children’s Sermon and Children’s Church and Children’s Bulletins
Leadership during Worship: Greeters, Liturgists, Ushers, Acolytes, Communion Stewards
Hospitality/Welcome to visitors.
Choir Ministry and Special Music
Special Sundays
Church Sponsored Scholarship Program for Graduating Seniors and College Ministry Care Team
Outreach: What does the Outreach team do?
The Outreach Ministries team leads FUMC’s ministry of service. We lead in facilitating opportunities to grow in God by serving others toward healing, restoration & justice.
Food For Friends
Community Meal
Fall Festival
Service Projects and Mission Projects: Blessing Bags, Thanksgiving Food Boxes, Tennis Shoe Drive, Christmas Outreach Program, etc.
ERHS Clothing and Hygiene Closet
Rutherford County Schools special projects
Special projects for Veterans
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Cancer Patient Assistance Fund
Emergency aid for utilities, food, clothing, shelter, medicine, etc.
Running errands or providing transportation for people as needed.
Witness: What does the Witness team do?
The Witness Ministries Team leads FUMC’s ministry outside the doors of the church, witnessing to God’s grace, love, and power through intentionally reaching out to people. We lead in facilitating opportunities to connect with people through sharing faith stories and being a witness for Christ everywhere we go. Caring, sharing, listening, visiting, praying, hospitality.
Lay Servant Ministries
Prayer Breakfast and Sunday Evening Prayer Group
He-Brews Coffee and Conversation Group
Sharing with others about the meaning of the Christian Faith
Inviting people to worship and church events.